Sunday, January 19, 2014

Inspiration today brought to you by my mickey

Inspiration can come from anything, anyone, anywhere...
Sharing a piece of work done by my youngest daughter when she was 13. Nice work Mickey.

Powerful message. Please share.

Friday, January 17, 2014

2014 – 5 Things I am going to do better...

1. Drink more water. So good for me and FREE! As I approach 43 years lived, I am noticing even more lovely body changes, this "drink more water" thing will make my skin happier, my weight happier and my energy level better. Pretty easily stated... now DO IT!

2. Work from lists again. GO LISTS!! I used to be an avid "list maker and checker offer" somehow I stopped and really began handling things like a bubble in a piss-pot (as my mother would tell me). Making and checking off a list for the day/week/month/year helps me to be a bit more focused, feel accomplished, save time(which also means save money... self-employed).

3. Eat more REAL FOOD. There are several blogs out there about clean eating. It really is not that much more expensive, it just takes TIME. Prep time. Prep time. Prep time. But the trade off is worth it... For me one of the biggest payoffs is what I am passing down to my children. Here is a definition of Real Food according to Lisa Leake. In her blog 100 Days of Real Food she does an excellent job of making it seem possible for anyone to make simple changes in their lives to eat for the better! 

4. Call my Dad everyday. Is there someone in your life that you love so, so, so much and they are getting older and have a lot of time on their hands to think about getting older and not much else? I tell you, that daily call could mean the world to them... Sometimes we chat for a couple of hours (which I love when I have that kind of time, he is the BEST to talk to) but most of the time it is a check-in with an I love you.

5. Move my body. Four years ago I was playing co-ed soccer three nights a week. Well, a knee injury (that has been fixed, mind you) stopped that, and getting back into doing something physical on a consistent basis is tough. I have dabbled in TRX, kettle-bells, boot camps, shred videos, spinning and more... My favorite is working really hard outside. Whether it be an organized boot camp workout or digging post holes, I would just rather be outside. So, as I type an watch the snowfall I know a visit to the Y is a necessary evil.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Adobe MUSE! I just built my own webpage with ZERO code.. uh huh!

I have owned for about 3 years... I have not had the time nor the desire to learn to build the site... I have been in dreamweaver, cloud access, joomla... it all just made me crazy! It is far from simple to go from primarily print design to web girl. But when you are working in Adobe some things accidentally work, just because they are familiar. ~ did a little dance every time that happened which was often!~  Anyway, it is not perfect by any means but it is a start, I really needed to get my online portfolio up. Check it out!
