Wednesday, January 23, 2019

So, I just turned 48. FORTY-EIGHT.

When I say that out loud it sounds ridiculous. There is no freaking way I am FORTY-EIGHT, that is almost 50, which is the most outrageous thing I have ever heard come out of my own mouth. Other than maybe ... don't lick your sister... that was one for the books.

As I am approaching 50, I am realizing some things:
  1. Being a mom will be work... in worry, guidance, and prayer, as long as I am alive.
  2. Weighing 30+ lbs more than I should is not okay at this age, it is taxing – time to fix it.
  3. I have removed any and all negativity from my social media accounts. I go there to smile, cry and share.  (cry in happiness and shared sadness) 
  4. My husband is my BFF. We know that we are lucky to have one another. We match.
  5. I have way too many clothes.
  6. Thinking about our next and last home makes me super duper excited and sad at the same time.
  7. I have a bedroom full of little kid stuff as if I were a grandmother, and I am not. (yet)
  8. I have 9 pairs of readers and still find myself in situations without a pair. +1.75 approaching +2.0
  9.  I make my bed most days now, for the first time in my life. (super-weird) 
  10. My sister is my person. I knew this, but I get busy and sometimes forget, sorry boo. xo
  11. I am lucky to have a "second career" and to work in a profession that I love. 
  12. I wish my mom was here to see these kids of ours all doing their thing.
  13. I am making a conscious effort to spend time with those in my life that are growing old.
  14. Our house is almost paid off.... - hey let's move. (so silly)
  15. I am so grateful for my dad. Not that I wasn't always grateful... just now more than ever. He is one humbled, vulnerable, brilliant, patient, amazing human.
  16. The days I get to have all my kids in the house at once are my favorite days.
     And, of course, there are more but 16 seemed like a good number... and so is 48. :)